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If you are a Winery, Brewery, Distillery, or Ciderhouse or would like to visit one, this page is for you.... The wine industry in BC, in the Okanagan Valley, the Fraser Valley, and the Coast is booming. With new wineries opening each year and old wineries re-branding and growing to expand for the global market, BC is the new place to come for wine. Lone Willow fits right in to the winery industry. Not only do we make a superior product, but now we can make it out of award winning wine and customize it with a beautiful label. We have been producing products for Wineries in the Fraser, Okanagan, and Similkameen Valleys, as well as the Kamloops area and Vancouver Island for many years. We take wine produced from each individual winery and turn it into jelly, or syrup, in the size and quantity they choose. Then we finish it off with a custom label made just for them. We are now producing jelly and syrup for the craft beer, distillery, and ciderworks industry, which has recently grown in leaps and bounds in British Columbia.
Our current Winery, Distillery, and Ciderworks clients are; Beaumont Family Estate Winery, West Kelowna, B.C. www.beaumontwinery.com Bench 1775, Penticton, B.C. www.bench1775.com Black Market Wine Co., Kaleden, B.C. www.blackmarketwine.ca Chaberton Estate Winery, Langley, B.C. www.chabertonwinery.com Dirty Laundry Vineyard, Summerland, B.C. www.dirtylaundry.ca Domaine Artema, Oliver, B.C. www.domaineartema.ca Four Shadows Vineyard & Winery, Penticton, B.C. www.fourshadowsvineyard.com Gold Hill Winery, Oliver, B.C. www.goldhillwinery.com Here's The Thing Vineyards, Oliver, B.C. www.heresthethingvineyards.com Hester Creek Estate Winery, Oliver, B.C. www.hestercreek.com MOCOJO Winery, Naramata, B.C. www.mocojowines.com Montakarn Winery, Okanagan Falls, B.C. www.montakarn.ca Nighthawk Vineyards, Okanagan Falls, B.C. www.nighthawkvineyards.com Nostalgia Wines, Oliver, B.C. www.nostalgiawines.ca Okanagan Spirits, Vernon, B.C. www.okanaganspirits.com Over The Fence Winery, Osoyoos, B.C. www.overthefencewinery.ca Phantom Creek Estates, B.C. www.phantomcreekestates.com Play Estate Winery, Penticton, B.C. www.playwinery.com Privato Estate Winery, Kamloops, B.C. www.privato.ca River Stone Estate Winery, Oliver, B.C. www.riverstoneestatewinery.ca Robin Ridge Winery, Keremeos, B.C. www.robinridgewinery.com Sagewood Winery, Kamloops, B.C. www.sagewoodwinery.ca Sea Cider Ciderhouse, Saanichton, B.C. www.seacider.ca Stag's Hollow Winery, Okanagan Falls, B.C. www.stagshollowwinery.com Summerhill Pyramid Winery, Kelowna, B.C. www.summerhill.bc.ca Vanessa Vineyard, Cawston, B.C. www.vanessavineyard.com vin Amité Cellars, Oliver, B.C. www.vinamitecellars.com Our current craft Brewery clients are; Barnside Brewing, Ladner, B.C. www.barnsidebrewing.ca Firehall Brewery, Oliver, B.C. www.firehallbrewery.com